The Bollywood actor Aamir Khan following the lead of his fellow Indian movie stars Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan has decided to quit smoking but he’s not finding it easy. Aamir who is busy releasing his latest movie ‘3-idiots’ has spoken about the stress and worry which he is under and despite his promise to quit smoking he is dying to have a cigarette because he thinks it will relax him.
However at the same time Aamir Khan said that he had no intention of lighting up because a promise was a promise and also because he believed that when he decided to stop smoking he did so for a “noble cause”. At Ukmedix News we have seen how people who quit for a ‘higher cause’ and who make their smoking cessation attempt an important personal battle are more likely to have success.
You should look at smoking cessation as climbing an extremely high mountain and will yourself and promise yourself that you shall not fail no matter what obstacles come in your way. Harness your competitive streak and look at smoking as something which needs to be beaten, otherwise it will eventually destroy you.
Smoking is a chronic problem for the Indian government with millions of smokers many of whom are getting sick and costing the nation a fortune in medical care. The Bollywood film industry is immensely powerful and popular in India and the example of actors like Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan in quitting will be far more effective than public health campaigns initiated by the government.
There have been calls for the Bollywood film industry to follow the lead of some Hollywood film producers in completely banning the portrayal of smoking as glamorous or cool in films. In Hollywood for example the production companies Disney will only allow smoking in a context that makes it look unattractive and uncool.
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