WORLDNEWSPLUS|World News|Latest News|Entertainment News|Fashion ...
... Place. Breakfast in the Chicago Arts District: Stop in the Chicago Arts District Info Center from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. April 30 at South Halsted and 18th Streets for a continental breakfast while you enjoy the tranquil nature of this popular artist colony. .... Luminous Groundâ€"Artists With Histories: The exhibition highlights the work and careers of eleven elder Chicago artists who are, or were, creatively active into their later decades. ...
World Design News by Kikos Papadopoulos - sylvain willenz: ray ...
Born in Northampton and London respectively and trained at the Liverpool Art School, Clare Page and Harry Richardson claim that they explore the everyday with a mixture of “pragmatism and imaginationâ€. At their studio, the designers hoard thousands of objects bought in street markets and antiques shops: a colorful assortment of pottery animals, figurines, boxes, vases and other bric-a-brac. Committee works with the concept that these objects, which supdly have already ...

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